Wednesday, May 30, 2007

One by one..!!

One by one, the casements catch;
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch.
Couch in his kennel like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog.
From her shadowy coat, the white breasts peep.

Something about the poem. Something about it that I never seem to remember words after the breast-peeping! Maybe its just a filthy mind. Or a filthier mindset. Whatever it is - this is the only part of the poem I recollect. Silver by Walter de la Mare, I'm guessing! Fourth Standard. I remember other poems from the same grade in totality, but this one has been on my mind all day today!
Why, you ask. Why not?
One by one - thats the thing that keeps me reminding of the current situation. One by one.
What, you ask. Thats none of your business.