Saturday, May 14, 2005

Love, Actually??

Was watching this show on The Discovery Channel sometime back about the Chemistry Of Love [or the lack of chemistry involved in it]. It had a very significant and a very powerful point to make. Since Adam & Eve, we've been led into believing that 'Love' is actually a feeling that originates from the heart but that the very existence of such a bond between hearts can actually be refuted by Science & Scientists [what/who else?]. It was shown with substantial experimental proof that actually love is a feeling that has its roots in the Brain [Man this 'guy' is on fire. Every thing that we do, this 'chap' has got to be involved!!]. Way To Go, Mr. B!!
Now that might as well be the truth of the matter, but personally thinking of 'Love' in terms of some nervous stimulation on a specific part of the brain really kills the whole excitement and the adventure of actually 'Being In Love', because the whole idea of the heart 'falling for someone' is then just a vagary and not reality [which somehow or the other isnt as romantic, is it?]. This 'new found' data is more to please the Scientist in everyone than the romantic in every soul because although the truth, at the end of the day it isnt what we've been led to believe all these years [what a kill-joy!]. Imagine what a lover letter might sound like! Its been exactly [say] 2 days since my eye received your images on the retina and the brain sent [another part of the brain] a message telling me that you're the one for me! Eversince, my brain [actually just a part of it] has been releasing this 'chemical X' [we ordinary mortals don't wanna know what it is called anway!] that gives me a feeling that I'm in love with you! [Imagine someone actually getting this. Its pathetic, I mean if I don't like it knowing the fact that I just made it up a few minutes ago, I can't see why someone else receiving it will feel otherwise!] So much for an old-fashioned Love-Letter!
Which is precisely why this idea of the 'brain falling in love' although good in theory [and proved by experiments & data] isnt very popular among people [who more often than not avoid making life more complicated than it already is!]. A very famous writer [the name unfortunately eludes my brain ; )] had once said, "For years I believed that the most intelligent part of the human body was the brain, then I realised which part of me was actually telling that!!" So in a way it is really upto the individual to decide whether he/she falls in love with all his/her heart or just a small part of the brain. Another interesting question that comes to mind is what in the first place prompted people to think that matters of love were dealt with the heart?


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